96. My blog is wow


My book publishing blog, with murder mysteries woven through it.

If this is your first visit, be sure to start with 1. Let’s do it!


That next-to-the-last posting of mine, the one with Detective Rocco, in which I revealed how some whacko simply took advantage of innocent deaths, well, wow, that got a lot of attention. 

Every meeting here in London, that’s the first thing mentioned. 

And the UK-based Bookseller magazine led with the reveal from my blog.  Pretty cool. 

Publishers Weekly and Publisher’s Lunch did the same in the U.S.  I’m living my three seconds of fame. 

But I’m unsettled and ornery.  Who is the lousy writer?  Why did he (or she) do it?  Come on!  I know you’re reading this.  Fess up!

Oh, but hold on. I had a thought.  I called Liz at Macmillan.  I asked, “When that package was dropped off, was there a description of the delivery guy?

“We asked the same,” she said. “As did the police.  It was dropped off to a clerk in our mail room, just off of where trucks deliver to our building.  Nothing special.  He had a bike, nothing special about it.  Wore a backpack like all of them.  Only thing was that he wore a flowered visor.”

BINGO!  A flowered visor!

Just like that young man busily taking notes during my talk at the 192 Books writers conference.  Back when I was talking about leveraging—and appealing to the publishing industry’s egos and interests—for the benefit of your own books. 

I’m off to 192 Books to get list of attendees.  I’m on it, I’m on it!


Tomorrow: The Great Reveal