49. Killer Doyle is NOT in custody and I’m horribly hung over


My book publishing blog, with murder mysteries woven through it.

If this is your first visit, be sure to start with 1. Let’s do it!


So as promised, I called back Ligonier Police Chief Jim.

They did find James Doyle. 

He was already in custody.  Sort of. 

At Blue Sky Monastery in Colorado.  He’s a monk in training, has been there the last six months, and has not left the Monastery at all.  Not even once. 

Forty-seven fellow Jesus-loving monks will attest to that despite their vows of silence.

Holy (really!) shit!  I did not see that coming. 

It’s not Doyle!  I didn’t solve a damn thing!  He’s been walking around in a robe, not saying a thing, not reading any stupid blog, walking no further than the monastery garden, and without a typewriter or computer or Post-it note pad in sight.

So who killed Laurie and Barbara?  Who’s using stuff in my blog while running amock, tossing books around, and killing booksellers?

I’m not smart enough for this!  I’m just a Joe Average book publisher. 

And in the spirit of a Joe Average book publisher in the midst of a crisis, I grab my bottle of Dorothy Parker. Then I call the liquor store to order another, “Tell Eddie [the store’s delivery guy] to hurry.  And not wear an Einstein sweatshirt!” (Recall this post.)

Maybe I should end this blog.

Feels like I unleashed something bad.

The world won’t miss my nonsense.  And the world’s certainly worse off for Laurie and Barbara no longer being in it.

I should go back to writing my stupid books.  You know, actually pick up a couple of thousand dollars here and there.  Use that to take a trip somewhere.  I wrote (and sold to a great house) a children’s book series about a cute little bat who lives at the Joanina Library in Coibra, Portugal.  I could visit there and write off some of the trip. Portugal sounds lovely.  I should do that. 

Enough with this blog.

Tomorrow:  I’ve been low before, and turned to making a book