29. Good old book publishing!


My book publishing blog, with murder mysteries woven through it.

If this is your first visit, be sure to start with 1. Let’s do it!


So, here’s the thing. Rich knows the print and broadcast press. Thoroughly. And his job is to control it to the benefit of his clients.  Nobody does it better than Rich. 

I cannot trust the media.

Nor the police or prosecutors.  After all, Matt is the bestselling author of Reinventing Justice.  He knows all the players—who’s corrupt, who’s not.  He holds powerful influence over who gets funded and/or promoted.  His best buddy and law school roommate is the powerful head of the U.S. Senate’s judiciary committee.  So when it comes to law enforcement, I don’t know the good guys from the bad guys. 

Nah, neither the police or the judicial system is going to work.

But I do know book publishers.  Them I trust.  And the big ones never give into the pressure to not publish a book.  Think about it (because Rich obviously did not).  Presidents, ex-Presidents, major political parties, and really rich pricks try to stop books. But quiet and unknown book publishers just plow ahead.  I understand that.  It gets in your blood.  You don’t publish books to get wealthy or famous.  You publish books because it’s a blast and satisfies the hell out of you.  And it makes a difference in this crazy world.

I turned over my notes and the drafts of these blog postings to Joey Freeman.  He then quickly wrote a terrific (his dad would be so stinkin’ proud of him!) book about a guy name Ace, some condoms he had 30 years ago, a dead senator,  Spanky’s ashes, my old letterman’s jacket, a corrupt coroner, and a Steelers license plate.

I got Joey the perfect book agent.  I even offered to co-write the book, you know, to get a proven and commercial name on the cover.  But the agent laughed, “You?  A proven and commercial writer?  Hell, it turns out that you didn’t even write The Hot Dog Cookbook.”  That hurt.

Simon & Schuster (S&S) grabbed Joey’s book in a confidential (NDA enforced) seven-figure auction.  (While in a meeting at the publisher’s offices, I sniffed around for any lingering smell of hot dogs, but alas, nothing.). S&S would crash the book, getting it to market ASAP, at least two months before the special election for the Heinz Senate seat. 

And S&S would embargo the book until pub date (as the longtime publisher of Bob Woodward, S&S was master of the book embargo), meaning nobody would see the book coming until it was already out there. 

Oh, and I got this comment on yesterday’s posting:  E=MC²=Dead/Brallier.

Pissed-off-Einstein guy is still out there.


Tomorrow:  Joey’s book