17. Robert Parker, his dog Pearl, Freeman, and me


My book publishing blog, with murder mysteries woven through it.

If this is your first visit, be sure to start with 1. Let’s do it!



Damn it!

Freeman died yesterday. 

Matt called me.

I can’t believe it.  I’m heartbroken.  I’m shocked.  He was such a good guy.  Truly a best buddy.

Matt was leaving his Pitt Law School class when he saw the ambulance outside of Freeman’s apartment building. Freeman’s son, Joey, had found his dad when he came home from a class.

Joey’s enrolled in CMU’s (Carnegie Mellon University) Creative Writing Program.  If Joey is half the writer his dad....  

Matt said Freeman died at his desk (just like Robert Parker), next to a typewriter, a hubcap full of cigarette butts, and stacks of empty beer cans.

Matt said, “I got in there and saw him, Jess.  He had gotten so heavy. The EMT looked at the hubcap, the beer cans, and Freeman.  Then shook her head, ‘Cause of death’s going to be a no-brainer.  This guy smoked and drank himself to death.’”

Freeman.  Gone. Such a good guy and such a great writer, the best of all of us.

Yet he’ll never have his bestseller like Matt and Rich did.


Tomorrow:  Robert Parker, his dog Pearl, Freeman, and me.