15. My favorite agent joke


My book publishing blog, with murder mysteries woven through it.

If this is your first visit, be sure to start with 1. Let’s do it!


A writer returns home after a long evening’s work of waiting tables, only to find his house a pile of smoldering rubble.

Policemen and firemen poke grimly through the remains. The writer leaps out of his car and runs over to a detective.“Oh God!  My house!  What happened?  Where are my wife and children?”

The cop says, “I’m sorry sir.  I’m afraid your agent came to your house, slaughtered your family, burned your home to the ground, and then danced on the rubble in hobnailed boots.”

The writer looks at the detective, eyes wide, excited, and says, “Really?  My agent came to my house?”

—Michael A. Kahn

Tomorrow: Crisis Management – Round Two