115. I may have messed up


My book publishing blog, with murder mysteries woven through it.

If this is your first visit, be sure to start with 1. Let’s do it!


Here’s the problem with me writing a blog. I’m used to writing books.

When I write a manuscript for a book, I  re-write it and re-write it. For months. And twice that’s added up to years. 

Then Sally and/or a friend(s) reads it.  Then my agent does the same (a couple of times). 

Then it’s read by an editor (a couple of times) and a copyeditor and a proofreader and sometimes a sensitivity reader.  So that by the time anybody “out there” reads it, I’ve had a hundred moments to carefully consider what to share, and with what words and tone.

But with these blog postings, I just quickly type one each day and toss it “out there.”  What I forget when I’m edging toward something messy (murder, for example) is that whoever might be making the mess (the murderer, for example) could be reading what I’m posting.

Like you, dear reader, the killer is nearly in my head in real time.  There’s no built-in safety check or considered pause to my blog writing.  No pushback or guidance from a wife, friend, agent, or editor.  Here, I just carelessly blab out loud like some drunk at the end of the bar.

So here’s the thing.  I think there’s something not quite right with Jatos, his wife, Antal, and/or Larry and Aaron.  I think it would be smart for me to just carefully shut up for now.

I’m going to soften these posts for a bit, and try to stay out of trouble.

And this will help.  Sally’s off visiting our niece and her family in D.C. for a few days.  And remember Randy’s loft (post 68)? My late best friend’s place that has a secret room and was used in the film, “Big.” 

The place is now owned by an NYU professor, Abel Gutkind, who has also become a good friend.  He asked if I might babysit his tropical fish while he’s out of town.  Seriously. 

All those wonderful books bound-on-the-right-for-left-handed readers that lined the loft’s walls are gone.  But Abel has great gin and doesn’t mind if I have a smoke or two. 

So I’m going to re-camp to there for the next week while Sally’s out of town.  I’ll feed some expensive fish and keep their water clean, and I hope, write a few calming posts as I try to pull away from the Jatos-wife-Antal-Chris-and-Aaron thing.

Tomorrow: the writing of Tess’s Tree